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It was the last outing for Pridey’s Pride at Parichat on Friday and on behalf of the management of the Links and the proprietors of various local hostelries, we would like to thank Grant Pride for organising the trip which introduced us to Dave Edwards, John and Martin Slotty, Colonel Hogan, Freddy McGlynn, Mark Sperrings, Andrew Ellam, Wayne Dickerson, Peter Oliver, Danny Cunningham, Jim Martin, Mick Quickley, Gerard Ryan, Glen Pickerton, Kevin Dewar, Scott Booker and Frank Seera. Fair dinkum – top blokes.
Given a 09.30 tee off time the 32 golfers arrived an hour before the scheduled tee off time to be told we could start straight away. Due to some golfers arriving by car, a quick re-schedule was called for but all our players had teed off by 09.45. It was Mai who triumphed yet again at Parichat which would appear to be her favourite course. Her score of 39 just beat one of our Diggers, Mark Sperrings, on a count back.
A special award went to Gutter Gang member Colonel Hogan for his sterling efforts on and off the course.
1st Place Mai (21) – 39 c/b
2nd Place Mark Sperrings (22) - 39
3rd Place Livio Marrone (7) – 38 c/b
4th Place Kenny Jepson (28) - 38
5th Place Colm ODonovan (19) - 36

NP02 Selwyn Yates
NP06 Greg Smith
NP11 Grant Pride
NP14 Mai

BF9 NW Chris Barker - 19
BB9 NW Colonel Hogan – 18 c/b

16 Jun 2023
Links News