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The Links took 5 groups to play Pattana B & C nines and, as always with Pattana, we were treated very well by a professional and courteous staff. For a change, we played off the yellow tees which still measured in excess of 6200 yards. In hindsight, this was a wrong decision that was taken because the yardages are incorrect on the scorecards with the yellow tees now being marginally behind the red / ladies tees. What the club director of golf told me was that they have introduced new black tees which measure 7,100 yards for B & C, blue tees at 6,900 yards, white tees 6,250 yards, yellow tees at 5,600 yards and red tees at 5,400 yards. Unfortunately, the score cards do not reflect the changes. New cards have been ordered but in the meanwhile, I would suggest that we always play off the white tees. When the complaint was made, to their credit, Pattana immediately set about giving an explanation and apologised for the inconvenience.
As for the golf itself, it isn’t surprising therefore that there were some very good scores with Mike Firkin heading the list of 39 points to claim the Green Jacket. Mike won on countback from Simon Niven and Lee Floro. Special mention should go to Quinton Murphy who shot 21 points on the front nine, (B), playing off a handicap of plus 1.

1st Place Mike Firkin (21) – 39 c/b
2nd Place Simon Niven (16) – 39 c/b
3rd Place Lee Floro (18) - 39

BF9 NW Quinton Murphy 21 c/b
BB9 NW Nigel Henson - 22

15 May 2023
Links News