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Last week, one of our Green Jacket winners was Vero Morgan much to the chagrin of her long time partner John Carlton. Today at Silky Oak it was John who turned the tables on Vero to get his Green Jacket with an excellent 39 points.

52 golfers went to Silky Oak and after some gentle pleading, the starter gave us a staggered 2 tee start. Silky Oak has changed its layout over the past few years and it as to be said that it is a massive improvement to the old set up. The greens in particular were in excellent condition. Silky Oak is still a very challenging golf course and any score in the mid 30s is very acceptable.
There were flights for the competition with the split coming at 0-17 and 18+. The winner of Flight B was Frank McArdle with an excellent score of 37 points.

Flight A (0-17)
1st Place John Carlton (9) - 39
2nd Place Michel Deletraz (12) – 36 c/b
3rd Place John McGee (15) - 36
4th Place Mike Kaps (16) - 35
5th Place Andy Kelleher (11) - 33

Flight B (18+)
1st Place Frank McArdle (20) - 37
2nd Place Keith Griffith (19) – 36 c/b
3rd Place Hans Pardfrieder (28) - 36
4th Place Manfred (21) – 35 c/b
5th Place Ted Senior (20) – 35 c/b

Near Pin 06 Peter Lacey
Near Pin 08 Bill Bishop
Near Pin 12 Andy Kelleher
Near Pin 14 Vero Morgan

Best Front 9 NW David Dunne - 20
Best Back 9 NW Russell Birtwistle - 19

20 Jan 2023
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