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Originally 10 groups were booked for St Andrews but such was the popularity of the course that we soon had 48 players on our starter sheets. Phil did wonders in managing to get our full complement playing and despite concerns about a lack of caddies, all our players had their own caddy and cart. Because of the amount of players we had 2 flights with the cut offs being 0 to 15 and 16+.
As for the golf, it was a welcome back to Vero Morgan and her partner John Carlton. John was moaning because of Wednesdays showing at Bang Pakong, her handicap went out to 20. Vero took full advantage of the extra shot and returned the excellent score of 41 points. This led by a long way for a long time with her nearest challenger being 36 points. It was left to George Mueller to cut the deficit to only 2 shots as George came in with 39 points. Vic Hansen was in the first group and his 36 points held firm for him to take 1st place in Flight A.
A special mention should go to Russell Birtwistle who found his way onto B Flight podium with 36 points. Russell has been struggling recently and all of our members gave him a large cheer at the presentation.
Flight A (0-15)
1st Place Vic Hansen (10) – 36 c/b
2nd Place John Reps (11) - 36
3rd Place Thierry Petrement (12) – 34 c/b
4th Place Phil Ashton (7) - 34

Flight B (16+)
1st Place Varo Morgan (20) - 41
2nd Place George Mueller (18) - 39
3rd Place Russell Birtwistle (24) – 36 c/b
4th Place Shabz (18) - 36

Near Pin 03 Selwyn Yates
Near Pin 05 Young Min Ko
Near Pin 10 Vic Hansen
Near Pin 17 Mike Kaps

Best Front 9 NW Rana Gurnam – 19 c/b
Best Back 9 NW Darren See – 18 c/b

13 Jan 2023
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