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Treasure Hill can rightly claim to be one of the toughest courses on The Links schedule where a score of anything over 32 points can claim to be a good score. The Links took 41 players to Treasure Hill and were given a clear run on the course. The only question that is continually raised at Treasure Hill is the method of the caddies collecting the bags then taking them down to the starting area only to have to eventually go back up and collect the carts. Often leads to confusion. That apart, the course was in excellent condition with very fast greens.
Dave Clewley was in the first 3 ball to tee off and he and his partners raced round in 3 hours 15 minutes. A remarkable effort by the trio who have a combined age of about 210!!! It was Dave who led the field from the start with his 38 points and it wasa lead that he was to hang on to with Vic Hansen running him close with a very good 37.
1st Place Dave Clewley (20) - 38
2nd Place Vic Hansen (10) - 37
3rd Place George Mueller (18) - 35
4th Place Ray Banks (17) - 34
5th Place Selwyn Yates (9) - 33
6th Place Akira Sekiya (7) – 32 c/b

Near Pin 02 Greg Smith
Near Pin 06 Jimmy Carr
Near Pin 13 Vic Hansen
Near Pin 17 Lode Schlingmann

Best Front 9 NW Jas Paul (20)
Best Back 9 NW David Dunne (17) c/b

10 Jan 2023
Links News