Apple's Golfing Year 2021

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We teed off in January 2021 even though we were in lockdown we still had lots of fun.
To find a beer after golf - that was our main goal, but thanks to Stan Rees we always found a watering hole.
Gerry Conway - he's the new Captain and leader of the pack.
He took over from Ian Corica,
He's the scouser with the bad back.
At this time Tom decided he would renovate the bar - it's now much bigger and we have lots of room to sit and enjoy a jar.
The society's numbers they are growing - we're beginning to fill the pot,
and we welcome all newcomers such as Akko, Sean Pullen and Greg Scott.
But we still depend on the old reliables because for our success they are the key.
It's always funny watching Jim Reid phoning all his chicks before he heads to the first tee.
In February the lockdown is over and it's back to Apple Bar for a beer,
with so many new customers coming through the door, Apple is smiling from ear to ear!

16 Aug 2021
Apples News