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With Pattavia running the roost over 53 golfers from Links on Wednesday 4th, better things were expected from the 68 players that went to Pattana to challenge A & B nines. Whereas Pattavia chewed our players up, Pattana did more than that with only 1 player breaking par.
It was a pretty chaotic start with 68 golfers arriving at more or less the same time and it took some time to get all the bags and caddies sorted. To be fair to Pattana they have always been very good in helping our Society and today was no different when they gave us a 2 tee start. Like many courses just now, caddies would appear to be in short supply and a few of our golfers had caddies that were relatively new. Fortunately though, some of the more seasoned caddies were willing to help the less experienced ones out.
The split for the 3 flights were +1 – 12, 13 – 16 and 17+. The winner, and only golfer to break par with 38 points was Dave Heyes who won his 2nd Green Jacket in 3 weeks. Playing off the white tees and with a stiff breeze adding to the woes, it was a great effort from Dave.
A special mention should go to Flight A golfer Quinton Murphy. Playing off +1, Quinton posted 33 points which was a great return in the difficult conditions.
Flight A (+1-12)
1st Place Andy Kelleher (12) 34 c/b
2nd Place Francis Goyons (12) – 34 c/b
3rd Place Selwyn Yates (9) – 34 c/b
4th Place John Reps (12) – 34 c/b
5th Place Bob Watson (6) - 34
Flight B (13-16)
1st Place Dave Heyes (13) - 38
2nd Place Nigel Henson (13) - 34
3rd Place Vee Reece (14) - 33
4th Place Huw Phillips (16) – 31 c/b
5th Place Glen Elsworth (16) – 31
Flight C (17+)
1st Place Craig Sime (17) - 36
2nd Place Greg Smith (18) – 35
3rd Place Steve Baker (22) – 33 c/b
4th Place Young Min Ko (23) – 33
5th Place Jimmy Carr (19) – 32
Near Pin A3 Akira Sekiya
Near Pin 08 Phil Riggs
Near Pin B3 John Reps
Near Pin B7 Vic Hansen

Best Front 9 NW Thierry Petrement – 17 c/b
Best Back 9 NW Dave Clewley - 21

06 Jan 2023
Links News