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The Boxing Day bash saw The Links take 31 players to Parichat. Renowned for its water, a good breeze added to the difficulty of a course which is in excellent condition with fast and tricky greens. Originally we were given a 10.00 tee time but were good to go 30 minutes earlier. The first 3 groups certainly struggled with only George Mueller returning a score in the 30s. Truth be told, only one person eventually mastered the course and conditions when Sandra Henning came in with a great score of 43 points which was 7 ahead of a trio of players, headed by Akira Sekiya on 36.

1st Place Sandra Henning (31) - 43
2nd Akira Sekiya (7) – 36 c/b
3rd Place Dave Heyes (13) – 36 c/b
4th Place Keith Griffith (18) - 36
5th Place George Mueller (18) - 35

Near Pin 02 Keith Griffith
Near Pin 06 Francis Goyons
Near Pin 11 Kevin LaBar
Near Pin 14 Craig Simms

BF9 NW JP Gasser (18)
BB9 NW John Doyle (18)

26 Dec 2022
Links News