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On Monday it was Dave Heyes who won his first Green Jacket and on Wednesday at Green Valley, it was Alan Humphries who triumphed for his maiden Green Jacket when he returned 39 points off his 20 handicap. Alan was the only player to break par at The Valley where the greens were very true and very fast. The Valley, like St Andrews, has come on leaps and bounds in the last few months and is proving to be a great test of golf.
In second place was Greg Smith who has recently returned from Australia. Although Greg arrived a week ago, his clubs somehow managed to finish up in Zimbabwe – don’t ask!! Greg borrowed a set from a friend and was a long time leader with 36 points before Alan came in with his 39.

1st Place Alan Humphries (29) - 39
2nd Place Greg Smith (17) - 36
3rd Place William Brown (16) - 35
4th Place Vito Cirelli (12) – 34 c/b
5th Place JP Gasser (7) - 34 c/b
6th Place Glen Elsworth (15) – 34 c/b

Near Pin 05 Tony Inman
Near Pin 08 Tony Inman
Near Pin 13 Alan Penny
Near Pin 16 Mikael Andersson

BF9 NW Phil Ashton - 21
BB9 NW Dave Arataki - 19

14 Dec 2022
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